Grant Thornton Advising Enterprise Insurance

Grant Thornton Advising Enterprise Insurance

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

If you have received a letter from Grant Thornton advising Enterprise Insurance explaining they have gone into Administration, please let us offer this as an explanation:

When we completed installation works on your property, we provided an insurance-backed guarantee with a company, DGCOS. This was in the event Bill Butters Windows Ltd ever stopped trading within your 10 year guarantee, you as a customer had somewhere to turn to with assistance for any guarantee issues.

DGCOS in turn, have their own insurance company, Enterprise, who have gone into Administration. Currently, Enterprise may or may not cease trading. If it does cease, all it means is DGCOS have to find new insurers.

This does not affect your guarantee with us and the insurance backed provision.

We have spoken with Enterprise Insurance and they have advised that Grant Thornton have issued hundreds of thousands of letters to all customers covered by DGCOS, with the installers name as part of the customer’s address. They have also received thousands of phone calls to date.

Unfortunately this letter has mislead some people so we would like to remind all of our valued customers that Bill Butters Windows LTD are not and have no plans to cease trading.

If you wish to discuss this further, or if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate in contacting us.